Insights and people
Heart health screening a success at Wandin Silvan Field Days

NOT-FOR-PROFIT private health insurer Latrobe Health Services has partnered with Wesfarmers Health, Priceline Pharmacy, SiSU Health, and Novartis to bring free 15-minute heart health checks to Wandin Silvan Field Days this month.

A trained clinician facilitated 83 15-minute tests to check key heart health indicators including blood pressure, heart rate, body composition, diabetes risk, and non-fasting cholesterol levels.

Latrobe Health Services CEO, Ian Whitehead, said that research has shown that regional communities have some of the poorest cardiovascular health outcomes in Australia.

“We've now conducted more than 1,800 heart health checks across regional Victoria,” said Mr Whitehead.

“We're finding that they are extremely popular.

"The community loves the convenience of having these checks at events and shopping centres.

“Like all our heart checks, results at Wandin Silvan Field Day were provided to participants immediately following the test.

"The pharmacist provided key insights on the results, advice on how to keep your heart healthy, and informing participants on how to follow up with your GP if further action is required,” Mr Whitehead said.

Latrobe Health’s free heart health checks initiative has seen some astounding results so far.

SiSU Health has reported that 34.1per cent of participants have recorded high blood pressure, triggering 377 patients to be referred to their GP for a follow up appointment.

Other results from the heart health checks have shown that 71.8 per cent of participants were overweight, 6.3 per cent are predicted to develop Type 2 Diabetes in the next 5 years, and 37 per cent of participants had not received a blood pressure check in the previous 12 months.

According to Amy Sabatini, Head of Digital Health Services with Wesfarmers Health, coronary heart disease remains the dominant cause of death among Australians with worse outcomes experienced in regional and rural areas.

“It is important to get heart health check-ups to give you the best chance of receiving the right treatment and possibly diagnosing underlying medical conditions,” Ms Sabatini said.

By providing access to free heart health checks to regional communities, Latrobe Health hopesthat their efforts will impact many lives and bring awareness of preventative heart health recourses and services.

For more information about the free heart health checks visit

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